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Assertive Sentence  Reported Verb: Say, tell   Linker: That EX: Direct: He said to me,” I am happy” Indirect: He told me that he was happy. Direct: She says, “I can do it.” Indirect: She says that she can do it. Interrogative Sentence Reported Verb: Ask, Enquire   Linker: If, Whether, Wh-word Ex: Direct: She said, “ why are you calling me?” Indirect: She asked why I was calling her. Direct: They said to me, “Are you happy?” Indirect: They asked/enquired me if/whethe r I was happy. *A Wh-question doesn’t need other linker except that given Wh.  *Instead of 'enquire', the verb 'inquire' can be used as a reported verb but the sense must be formal investigation type, not that general 'ask' sense. Exclamatory Sentence Reported Verb: Exclaim   Linker: That Ex: Direct: He said, “Yes! We have won the match.” Indirect: She exclaimed with joy that they had won the match

Rules of Voice Change